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Tattooing the body is a fashion and more and more people are choosing to decorate their skin with drawings, symbols or images. However, over time, it is possible for a person to want to remove one of these tattoos.

"The tattoo is forever"; This is the most ingrained concept among the population, although more or less aggressive methods have always been practiced to eliminate them.


The immediate consequence of these ancient methods was the irreversible damage of the skin of the area with the presence of unsightly scars. Today, thanks to scientific advances, the Neodimio-Yag Q-Switched laser is used to eliminate tattoos effectively and without damage to the skin.

The tattoos are drawings made with inks and pigments that are deposited under the epidermis, reason why its elimination is difficult and presents health problems in the skin. The most important thing when a person decides to remove a tattoo is to go to an experienced professional and have a good laser machine specific for this purpose.

The size of the tattoo, the colors used and their age are determining factors for their elimination. There are ink tones or pigments difficult to erase, such as greens, light blue, yellow, orange and fluorescent. Dark colors such as dark blue, black and red are best removed. In most cases a 95% removal of the tattoo is achieved.

Up to 5% of tattooed people can suffer some type of complication, which in most cases are not very important, at least in the short term. Most of them are inflammatory reactions associated with traumatism at the time of tattooing or when you want to remove it, but infections , allergy or hypersensitivity may also occur. Sometimes they may appear decades after tattooing, such as delayed hypersensitivity reactions.

As for the colors used, if we finally decided to eliminate the tattoo, "red, yellow and green are the most difficult colors to eliminate, while the simplest are blue and black, " says the director of the Institute of Integral Dermatology. The technology has advanced a lot in this field and the specific laser for pigments is the treatment of choice. Get rid of the tattoo without scars and the sessions adapt to the size, location and color of the tattoo to eliminate.

The tattoo removal treatment is done in several sessions, with a mean to eliminate professional tattoos of about 6-8 sessions and, for non-professionals, 4-5 sessions, spaced approximately for 4-6 weeks. After each session, the tattoo will look paler, until it disappears almost completely at the end of the treatment.

A number of specific laser sessions should be applied depending on the amount and type of ink used to make them and the depth of the ink inside the skin. The treatment can be painful, so an anesthetic ointment is applied beforehand.



The areas of the body with finer skin, such as the head, neck, female neckline and wrists, require fewer sessions as the ink or pigment is at a more superficial level. But the arms, legs and back, where the skin is thicker, will require more laser sessions.

The light of this type of laser acts on the particles of ink or pigment and alters them chemically, so that they are transformed into other particles that the body can eliminate by means of macrophages, the cells "sweepers" of the organism.


The pigments are then removed by the lymphatic circulation. After treatment for tattoo removal, the patient needs to follow basic hygiene indications on treated skin and prevent sun exposure to avoid marks.

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